request of Donation Receipt
感謝閣下的捐款,請在以下表格,填上閣下的資料和上載有關捐款記錄,或電郵到 donation@animalfriends.org.hk, 我們便會在8星期內發出可扣稅的扣款收據。
Thank you very much for donating to Animal Friends. To obtain a tax-deductible donation receipt, simply fill in the following form and upload the donation record. Or you may email the details to donation@animalfriends.org.hk . We will proceed and send you the donation receipt within 8 weeks.
Should your donation is made thru a credit card, a donation receipt has been emailed to you once the transaction is completed.
*為了環保,捐款收據將以電郵寄出。 如欲收取正本,才需填寫地址。
To save our planet, donation receipts will be sent to you by email. Please provide us your mailing address only if you would like to obtain a printed copy.